Good Hygiene for Jiu Jitsu Classes
Good Hygiene for Jiu Jitsu Classes
Have you ever been to Jiu Jitsu class and had a rolling partner be that guy or girl with the stinky gi? Your trying to hold your breath and keep your guard together at the same time. Here are some tips to keep your rolling sessions fresh and clean.

For those that do not know, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a close combat system. It is unlike almost any other sport that people participate in. You are touching or just inches away from your teammates or opponents almost the entire time. It is disrespectful not just to yourself but also your rolling partners to not have a high level of personal hygiene. In this article I will offer some advice on how to properly keep your hygiene what I have dubbed “Jiu-Jitsu Clean”. I wish I didn’t have to write this article. I have never ran into an unclean person rolling along with my teammates, yet I know this will help guide some people to prepare properly for class.
The first thing you will want to do is keep your gi clean and dried. Once you are done rolling in it and you’ve changed to go home from the academy it should be washed. I bring a gym bag to class, yet I fold my pants into my Kimono and use my belt to loop it around as a neat package. I find this helps me to take it into the house and leave the bag in the car.
Follow your Gi manufacturer’s instructions. Most will say gentle cold water and hang dry. Do not use bleach on gi’s, this will damage the fabric. If you train more than twice a week, then adding a second gi to your line up can be a time saver. When you wash your gi, it’s a good habit to wash your belt and any rash guards and hand towels as well. I use a hemp belt and as much as it is toted for being anti-bacterial I still wash it.
Now that your gi is taken care of, you’ll want to take care of yourself. Conventional soap works, but I find ones with tea tree oil helps fight against bacteria as an extra precaution. I have used Grounders Soap for months, but have heard amazing things about Fight Soap, Arm Bar Soap and Soap-A-Licious as well. I know what you’re thinking, “Soap made specifically for BJJ?” yes, and I don’t mind paying for a quality product that keeps me feeling clean while knowing I am treating my skin to a handmade healthy product.
You should always shower before and after class. This cuts down on the chances of ring worm, staff infections and other nasty’s. Please make sure your finger and toe nails are trimmed. I was at the IBJFF Boston Open a few months back and treated a random purple belt, during his match his opponent tried to get a triangle and the guy’s eagle talon of a big toe nail scratched his face enough to bleed.
If you use a mouth guard it must be cleaned after each session. You’re placing a product directly into your mouth and have a much higher rate of bacteria growing there. There are sprays that are made specifically for disinfecting mouth guards. You may also use a toothbrush and toothpaste followed by a cold water rinse, then rinse it with mouth wash and pat dry.
So there you have it, keep your gi; belt, gear and yourself clean and you’ll be the stylish guy or girl in the academy that people will be happy to roll with. If there is someone in your school that needs a gentle reminder that they may be lacking good hygiene, a gentle pull to the side at the end of class is the best approach. Keep it respectful and quiet. Everyone has an off day. One last bit of advice, I like to wash my gym bag once a week to kill any lurker germs that could be in there. I hope you enjoyed this blog article and would love if you checked out the official Renzo Gracie NH Facebook. There is a new, free email subscription that we have set up on the main page, sign up and receive a new detailed instructional video each month. Till next time, keep your gi clean, keep going to your Jiu Jitsu classes and keep learning.
A special thank you to Meerkatsu and Grounders Soap for their permission to use their artwork and photo.