Three Of The Most Common Martial Arts Injuries
Although martial arts offers a ton of benefits to athletes who train in it, just like any other sport, there is also the risk of sustaining an injury when practicing or competing. Since this is so, we believe it is important for our students and all other martial arts students to be aware of some of the most common injuries! Below are three we’d like to emphasize:
Skin Damage
The potential for skin damage is high in contact sports, with cuts and bruises being some of the most common. Even when they are minor, it’s important for students to take the proper precautions (such as covering a cut with a bandaid and cleaning it regularly) to prevent an infection.
Martial arts requires the use of a lot of muscles – muscles that can easily be strained due to a lack of stretching or by being used incorrectly. Should a student experience pain in their muscles or tendons, it’s important that they give their body enough time to rest to prevent even further damage.
One of the most serious injuries that can result from martial arts training is a concussion, so all students must be aware of the warning signs. Generally speaking, the symptoms of a concussion include headache, nausea and dizziness, but they can even go so far as the inability to concentrate, balance problems or difficulty remembering. Students who experience any of these symptoms should let their instructor know immediately and be evaluated by their doctor or other medical professional.
Should a student experience an injury, the best thing they can do is stop activity right away, speak with their instructor, and get the proper treatment. And although it can be tempting to jump back into training, students must also give themselves enough time to truly recover so that they don’t wind up getting hurt again!
Here at Renzo Gracie NH, the safety of our students is our number one priority, which is why we’ve designed our self defense training facilities using only the best equipment and mats. For more information on martial arts injuries, such as how to prevent them, be sure to check back to our blog later this week!