Power Fitness Classes; get in the best shape of your life!

Life today can be hectic; working all day, coming home to clean and prepare dinner and taking the kids to their afterschool activities can leave you exhausted. All you want to do is sit down, grab the remote and a snack and just relax; this is the scenario in thousands of households across the country. The problem is, when you do this day after day, you can get out of shape very quickly and there are serious health risks for those who are overweight. Getting back into shape is very important to your health.
One of the best ways to get back into shape is power fitness classes; it is a high energy, total body workout that builds your core strength. This may sound hard, however, at Renzo Gracie NH, we make it fun! We have developed a power fitness class that combines Jiu jitsu and kickboxing into our routine and you will see for yourself the benefits of joining our power fitness classes.

• Weight loss
• Boosts and strengthen your immune system
• Improves confidence and self esteem
• Learn self-defense techniques
These are just a few benefits of our classes. The high energy level of our power fitness class improves your mood and attitude like nothing else can; it; even though the class is an hour long, the time just flies by! In just a few classes, you will see the results of your hard work! It will improve your self-esteem and your confidence will soar!
Power fitness classes at Renzo Gracie NH are a great way to relieve stress; you leave feeling better, happier and more relaxed. It’s the perfect way to clear your head and become focused on important matters and you are more confident that you can accomplish the goals that you set for yourself.
An added benefit to our power fitness classes is that we incorporate self-defense techniques into our routine; you will have the peace of mind in knowing that you will be able to protect yourself if the need arises.                                                                                                        8F7EEE7D-9F3B-450A-A659-6034993EFFD7
Any doctor will tell you that exercise is a necessity to staying in shape, a good cardio workout is great for keeping your heart strong and overall good health. Our power fitness class is a great cardio workout you can feel the difference even after the first class.
Our friendly, family orientated atmosphere promotes a sense of unity; a place where families can be together and have fun while getting in shape. We encourage all family members to do their best in a supportive and friendly manner.

Renzo Gracie NH invites you to come in and see what we can do for you! Call us now to schedule your first class!