Connect With Renzo Gracie NH On Social Media!

Jiu Jitsu Manchester NH | Self Defense Classes Manchester NH | Renzo Gracie NH

Anyone who is interested in martial arts knows that there is a lot to learn – from the history of the sport to safety, training basics and tons and tons of techniques, we could go on for hours with valuable information on these topics. But we certainly don’t want to keep our knowledge to ourselves, we want to share it with YOU, which is why we’re active on several social media sites! Whether you’re looking for tips to help you get through your first Jiu Jitsu class, guidance on how to become a martial arts champion or general information about how to defend yourself, we’ve got all of that and more.

If you aren’t connected to us on social media yet, take a look below to learn where you can find us:




Last but not least, don’t forget to keep up with all of our latest news and tips by checking back to our blog! We update our website regularly with information about Jiu Jitsu, self defense, fitness and more, so you can always count on us to have what you’re looking for.

So, are you ready to get connected? We sure are and can’t wait to have the opportunity to be a part of your social media experience.

For more information about the self defense programs we offer for both children and adults, or to learn more about our training academies (did you know we have TWO right here in New Hampshire?), please continue to take a look around our website or give us a call at (603) 777-2775. You can also sign up for a FREE introductory lesson with Professor Kevin Landry here!

Ways To Get Active For American Heart Month

Kickboxing Classes Salem NH | Jiu Jitsu Exeter NH | Jiu Jitsu Salem NH | Cardio Kickboxing Salem NH

Did you know the February is American Heart Month? A month-long observance dedicated to promoting national awareness about heart disease, an initiative that you can take to be a part of it is encouraging both yourself and those around you to be active. The Heart Foundation reports that heart disease is the number one killer of women, and in fact, every 60 seconds, someone in the U.S is said to pass away from a heart-disease related event. With numbers like these, it seems only obvious that we should all be working to reduce our risk, and being physically active is one way to do so! Below, we’ve listed a few easy ways that you can get started:

  1. Take up a sport. Sports are a great way to promote activity, especially when you participate in one that keeps you moving for the majority of the time. A great example of that? Brazilian Jiu Jitsu! In our Jiu Jitsu classes, we’ll get your body moving, resulting in your best you yet!
  2. Go on walks. It doesn’t matter if you get up and out right when you wake up, on your lunch break, or after dinner, all that matters is that you get yourself going! The American Heart Association explains that walking for as few as 30 minutes a day can truly make a difference when it comes to your heart’s health.
  3. Use the stairs. Elevators can be convenient, but they don’t do too much for your heart rate. So, take the stairs instead! Even if you’re only going up one or two flights, those few moments of exercise can contribute to big differences in your health.
  4. Walk the dog. For those of you who have a pet at home, they can be more than just your best friend – they can be your workout buddy too! If you usually just let your pup roam free in your yard, try mapping out a safe route that you can walk with them on instead.
  5. Park farther away. We all love to park close to our destinations, especially when it’s cold out, but parking just a bit farther away can help us get in those extra steps that we need. That said, instead of fighting for the first spot, throw on an extra layer and voluntarily park your car towards the back of the lot.

Last but not least, don’t forget to check out our Gracie Jiu Jitsu Power Fitness class! When you train with us, you’ll experience increased energy levels and strength, and most importantly, you’ll be working to combat health issues and diseases. Click here to sign up for a FREE introductory power fitness class.

For more information about the programs we offer here at Renzo Gracie NH that can help you get active, please give us a call at (603) 777-2775.

Blue Belt Vs. Black Belt

Recently, I bumped into someone while wearing my Renzo Gracie BJJ hoodie. They mentioned how they were learning Jiu Jitsu, and how they are learning under a teacher that is wearing a blue belt.

Their training consist of some rolling and watching videos online. They then record themselves performing a belt test video and mail it to California to be reviewed. For those who are unaware, a blue belt is just one step above a white belt, they have learned just the very basics of BJJ.

I would like to share with you why having your blue belt instructor is the wrong approach to learning Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and what to look for in a Professor with a black belt.

There is a huge difference from learning from someone who has spent over a decade mastering their art, versus just a single year. It would be like using a lighter to walk through a cave rather than a lantern.

Your not going to get far, you won’t be able to see the details needed to navigate through safely and at the end, your going to get burned.

A blue belt is unable to teach multiple escapes from numerous positions, their counter attacks, along with nuances that can change a futile attempt at a choke to a choke that works with efficacy and effectiveness.

A black belt is able to convey their knowledge and teach you the safe, correct way to roll with your teammates so there are less injuries on and off the mat. There are multiple advantages to being taught from a black belt and none from learning from a blue belt that calls themself a teacher.

Calling yourself a teacher and being just one step above white belt while teaching others does nothing but hurt the art of Jiu Jitsu. People will receive their blue belt under such a “teacher” and think they have reached the pinnacle of BJJ. They sadly will be let down when they realize they have barley started the journey up the mountain from a guide who has never left the first base camp.

If you wish to learn BJJ in a safe, family oriented and professional atmosphere please contact us at

What To Look For In A Kids Self Defense Program

If you have children at home, then you know that as a parent, it’s only natural to always look out for their best interest. From the foods they eat to the clothes they wear, the people they hang out with and the plans they make, all you want is to see them happy and safe – the same goes for any extracurricular activities you sign them up for.

Self Defense Classes Salem NH | Kids Self Defense Salem NH | Kids Self Defense Manchester NH

For those of you with children interested in learning self defense, it isn’t enough to do a quick online search for self defense classes/academies in your area – you need to do some serious research. That includes checking out websites, calling the academies, and even stopping by to learn what the programs and staff are all about. As you do so, here are a couple of things to look for:


You wouldn’t leave your children in the hands of just anybody, so one of the most important things you need to find out is how much experience the academy staff has. Here at Renzo Gracie NH, our own Professor Kevin Landry has been training in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu since 1994. In fact, he has even traveled to Brazil to learn about the sport, was a gold medal winner at the New York Open Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Championships, and was promoted to 2nd degree Black Belt in April of 2015 – now that’s the type of background you should be looking for in an instructor!


Considering the nature of a self defense class, it’s important that you feel that the academy you choose exhibits a safe environment. So, inquire about what safety precautions they have in place, ask about their protocol in the event of a student injury, and perhaps most importantly, take a look around the inside of the gym to see how things are set up – does the space look inviting or does it appear dangerous? At our Exeter and Salem locations, you can bet we do everything we can to ensure that your children are kept safe before, during and after their time with us.


An academy that invites and encourages parents to stay and watch their children during a class says a lot – it certainly means the instructors are confident that you’ll like what you see! Although you’re looking for a class specifically for your child, it’s important for you to feel like you are a part of their learning experience, and that’s exactly what we do here at Renzo Gracie NH – we want your children AND you to become a part of our family!

All that said, if you’re looking for a kids self defense class near Exeter, Salem or Manchester, NH, we encourage you to check out our selection of programs! We even offer a free introductory kids class so that you can get to know us before making a commitment.

For more information about the kids self defense classes we offer, please call (603) 777-2775 today.

Three Benefits of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Jiu Jitsu Exeter NH | Jiu Jitsu Salem NH | Jiu Jitsu Manchester NH

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu – a form of martial arts that helps individuals find and develop the strength they need to defend themselves in various situations. But aside from the obvious benefits that are experienced from taking a self-defense class, what makes a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) class specifically something you should really consider? Read on to find out.

  1. A Brazilian Jiu Jitsu program does more than just teach you self-defense, it also provides you with the daily physical activity your body needs. In addition to learning how to protect yourself, you’ll also see an improvement in your strength and flexibility, and you may even experience some weight loss. Overall, participation in a BJJ class can help you live a healthier lifestyle.
  2. Perfecting your technique requires physical strength, yes, but it also requires mental strength. By focusing your energy on Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, you’ll experience the mental benefits of learning perseverance and how to apply yourself in a number of ways.
  3. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu can be a huge stress reliever – just make your way into the gym and find out how! Not only does practicing a new technique or drill take your focus off of what happened during your day at work or school, but it also gives you the opportunity to exert your energy in a way that releases tension your body may be feeling.

To learn more about the benefits of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, click here.

At Renzo Gracie NH, we believe that Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is more than just a sport – it’s a way of life. That’s why we offer Jiu Jitsu classes for both children and adults!  Our classes start off with a strength and endurance building warm-up, continue with a demonstration and practice of techniques, and end with live wrestling between students of the same experience level.

For more information about the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu programs offered at our Salem and Exeter academies, please call (603) 777-2775 today.

Fun Facts About The Renzo Gracie NH Team

Jiu Jitsu Exeter NH | Jiu Jitsu Salem NH | Renzo Gracie NH

If you’re a member of our Jiu Jitsu academy in Exeter or Salem, New Hampshire, then you may know a thing or two about our team and our history. But if you’re not? Then now is a great time to learn! If you’re looking for some of the highest quality instruction in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, then you’ve come to the right place – get to know us before you sign up by checking out some of our fun facts below:

  • Our very own Professor Kevin Landry began his Brazilian Jiu Jitsu training in 1994 – his love for the sport eventually led him to New York where he trained under Master Renzo.
  • Renzo Gracie NH opened in Exeter in April of 2009. During the grand opening, Master Renzo, joined by Professor Rafael, named Professor Kevin the first Black Belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in the state of New Hampshire under Master Renzo Gracie.
  • In March of 2012, Master Renzo Gracie promoted Professor Kevin to his 1st degree Black Belt. He was later promoted to 2nd degree Black Belt in April of 2015.
  • Professor Kevin has over 21 years of experience training both men and women in Mixed Martial Arts.
  • Our team has trained Jiu Jitsu students to become champions in local tournaments, state championships, IBJJF international championships and Pan American championships.

Here at Renzo Gracie NH, we strive to provide a friendly atmosphere where students of all ages can train in a clean, healthy, and most importantly, friendly environment. We currently have two locations in New Hampshire – Salem and Exeter – for your convenience.

To learn more about our Jiu Jitsu programs and how you can register for a spot in one of our classes, please give us a call at (603) 777-2775 today.

Three Reasons Why You Need To Take A Self Defense Class

Whether you’re a parent looking to sign their child up for some extracurricular activities or an adult looking for something fun to break up a hectic work week, we bet you could find a number of programs in your area to consider. However, there’s one activity that truly trumps everything else in our eyes, and that’s a self defense class.

Self Defense Classes Salem NH | Self Defense Classes Exeter NH | Renzo Gracie NH

But what makes a self defense class so appealing? We’ll tell you! Here are three reasons why you need to participate in one starting today:

  1. Self defense classes have a huge impact on a person’s self confidence, especially when it comes to evaluating their ability to protect themselves in uneasy situations. Do you believe that you could handle yourself if approached? By learning the techniques needed to keep yourself safe, you’ll develop a sense of confidence that shows everyone you’re not afraid.
  2. Considering that self defense classes require a lot of movement on your part, they certainly encourage physical activity and can help you get in shape. As you work on new strategies and techniques, your body will be getting the exercise it needs – something that will come in handy if you ever need to defend yourself. After all, the stronger and more agile you are, the better prepared you will be.
  3. Self defense classes help you gain a better sense of awareness of your surroundings. Even though you may already keep a close watch on who and what is around you, knowing what to look for can help you be even more prepared and knowledgable about what warning signs signal a potentially dangerous situation.

For these three reasons and more, it’s only obvious that signing up for a self defense class is something you need to consider if you haven’t already – after all, you want to be able to take care of yourself, right?

If you’re located in Salem or Exeter, NH and are interested in giving a self defense class a try, look no further than Renzo Gracie NH! You can even sign up for a free introductory lesson with our own Professor Kevin Landry to learn more about what a self defense class is all about. For more information about the programs we offer, please give us a call at (603) 777-2775 today.

Jiu Jitsu vs. Electronics For Children

Considering that we live in a world where technology surrounds us practically 24/7, it’s no surprise that children these days are placing most of their attention on what’s on their phone, tablet, computer screen or latest gaming console. But, although new technology certainly has its benefits, children that have become so wrapped up in it are losing out on the physical activity they need.

Kids Fitness Manchester NH | Kids Fitness Exeter NH | Jiu Jitsu Manchester NH

Let’s focus on video games for just a moment; here at Renzo Gracie NH, we understand the negative effects that constant gaming can have on young children today – they are:

  • Potential pain in areas such as the neck, head and back
  • A lack of social skills
  • Increased anger
  • Higher chances of zoning out

Though video games and other electronics may be viewed as fun in the eyes of a child, it is so important to make sure they are getting the proper amount of physical activity in each day so that they can continue to live a healthy lifestyle. Did you know that physically active children are 1/10 as likely to be obese and have a reduced risk of illness such as heart disease? Not to mention, physical activity can also positively impact their schoolwork! All that said, we highly encourage children to participate in a Jiu Jitsu class, and here are a few more reasons why:

  • It promotes physical activity
  • It encourages fitness and weight control
  • It promotes social skills
  • It leads to increased self confidence and self respect

So, are you ready to make a difference in your child’s life and sign them up for Jiu Jitsu? If you’re looking for fitness classes for kids in Salem or Exeter, New Hampshire, check out the children’s Jiu Jitsu classes we offer. For more information, please give us a call at (603) 777-2775.

How To Get Ready For Your First Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Class

If you’ve signed up for a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu class, congratulations! You’re about to begin a journey that includes learning self defense and improving your physical fitness. But before you can begin to experience the benefits of Jiu Jitsu, you need to prepare yourself for the class. Below, we offer a few tips to help you get ready for the first day.

Self Defense Classes Manchester NH | Kids Self Defense Manchester NH | Self Defense Classes Salem NH | Jiu Jitsu Manchester NH

Find The Right Clothing

In order to perform each of the moves taught during your lessons, you’ll need to be wearing attire that lets you move freely. To learn more about the recommended clothing for your particular Brazilian Jiu Jitsu class, contact your school or instructor directly in advance.

Take Off All Jewelry

The last thing you want during your Jiu Jitsu class is to harm yourself, your classmates or your instructor. Therefore, it’s important for you to remove all jewelry (especially necklaces and bracelets that dangle) so that you don’t put anyone at risk for getting hurt – it’s extremely easy for your jewelry to get caught on others throughout your lesson since you will likely be in close contact with them.

Check Yourself

Do you have open wounds that haven’t healed yet? If so, you’ll want to cover these up to prevent any bacteria from seeping in – remember that you’ll be super close to your classmates and instructor during your lesson. Next, check over your nails to see how long they are; since you’ll be close to others and using your hands and feet at some point, make sure your nails are at a short enough length so that they don’t scratch the individuals you’re working with.

Last but not least, if this is the first Brazilian Jiu Jitsu class you’ve ever taken, remember that it takes time to perfect each move. So, make a promise to yourself that you won’t be intimidated or discouraged by others in your class if they’ve been involved in the sport for a little bit longer – you can achieve that same level of greatness too!

Here at Renzo Gracie NH, we offer Jiu Jitsu programs for both children and adults, and we’d love to see you at one of our academies! To learn more about the classes we offer, please give us a call at (603) 777-2775 or send us an email at [email protected] today.

International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation Rankings

The International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation (IBJJF) hosts several of the biggest Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ) tournaments in the world. Professor, Kevin Landry, not only teaches his students Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, he lives it. He actively competes at many tournaments and is ranked #5 in the world for his weight and division.

IBJJF Rankings